"Activate Your Immunity, Activate Your Life" - Sebrinah Yeo


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Sunday 1 August 2021

"Activate Your Immunity, Activate Your Life"

Mead Johnson just recently launched the first adult nutritious milk, PROVITAL Immuna Plus, that features its unique proposition that provides Triple Immunity Protection from yeast beta-glucan, selenium and vitamin C that strengthens the body's immune function. Hence the launch of this campaign 'Activate Your Immune, Activate Your Life'.

As a parent of 3 kids myself, health is important. Health takes precedent over everything else because without health we will have nothing. And since the pandemic hit Malaysia, health has been a wake up call for many who ignored the signs or take their body and health for granted. To be honest, there is no price that you can put on your health. But if it can improve your health then don't compromise or try to bargain for cheaper value because you will get what you pay for.

That's why apart from a good healthcare check and a good healthy regime with good health supplements to support the health, all of which I work on saving lives. A balance diet is also important. That's why when I knew about this, I decided to swap the regular milk products that I would simply grab from the shelves at the retail outlets to Mead Johnson's PROVITAL Immuna Plus instead for its extra benefits.

You see, when we age, our immunity will slowly deteriorate and age together with us and that means our immune system is weaker as we grow older making us vulnerable to being attacked by viruses. And 70% of our health lies in out gut system. That's why what we put into our mouth through our gut system is important.

That's why PROVITAL Immuna Plus was formulated for this, with its high calcium and protein milk powder that can be integrated into one’s daily diet taken together as a healthy beverage with our meals, to enhance our immunity and mobility. Its key ingredient, the yeast beta-glucan, helps to support immune system associated with colds, and 2 glasses of PROVITAL Immuna Plus provide 204mg of yeast beta-glucan which is the recommended level to show effect. 

In these tough times, PROVITAL Immuna Plus is calling for all Malaysians to embrace life positively as they would like to celebrate the admired efforts of local heroes who have contributed to society in their own ways as part of the ‘Activate Your Immunity, Activate Your Life’ campaign in conjunction with Malaysia Day.

Known as “Healthier Malaysians, Stronger Malaysia”, this programme aims to recognise, honour and celebrate ordinary Malaysians doing extraordinary things in making a difference in their communities today. We urge the public to join our efforts in showing our appreciation for inspiring Malaysians who have been championing a cause for the betterment of society by nominating them to be a Local Hero too.

The programme is now open to nominations. The public can nominate deserving Malaysians who have carried out activities or initiatives that serve or meet a community need. Nominations can be submitted via https://forms.gle/7mURUZrv5vrfHyPQ8 from 19 July 2021 until 8 August 2021 midnight. Each Local Hero will receive a one (1) year supply of PROVITAL Immuna Plus adult nutritious milk and have their stories featured on PROVITAL Immuna Plus’ digital platforms.

Music credits to : Music: Early Hours
Musician: Ikson

It is because of such effort like this that makes us truly proud to be a Malaysian!

For more info on PROVITAL Immuna Plus visit:

It is also available at all Watson's Malaysia outlets and it's online stores. If you would like to take proactive steps to care for your health and find out about your immune status, you can check out your immunity score at www.provital.com.my/immunitycalculator. By answering a series of health-related questions, the tool will be able to gives an indication of the strength of one’s immune health in the past 12 months using a score system.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice, nor for medical diagnosis or treatment. At all times, please ensure you seek the advice of your healthcare professional when you require medical advice and do so immediately in cases where there is an emergency.

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